Friday, December 31, 2004

Year in Review

it has been far too long since ive written. truth. so to make up for it im doing a superpost. buckle up kiddies, here we go.

forget what i wrote last time. god loves me. and so does the cellist. i couldn't be happier in austin, right before i move away. le sigh. ive spent too long musing about what a LDLTR (long-distance, long-term relationship) might be like. and it makes me want to cry. but im forgetting all of that for right now because i just recently discovered something by accident that makes my soul hurt and my eyes tear. one of the nicest people i know is terminally ill. yes virginia, life is terribly unfair. so now, its time to reflect, give thanks, and pray.

this has been one hell of a year. lots of emotions, lots of growth. but i think my feelings can best be expressed in song:

January 1st - 2004: the only way is up - milkshake - talk to me, like lover do - love profusion - love ridden - like you don't love me -somebody told me - son of a gun - all by myself - temped by the fruit of another - ive got you under my skin - new york, new york - take me out - summertime - working nine to five - watch me shine - thank you for beinga friend - miami - moving on up - nothing fails - bed of lies - im a bitch - martyr's tune - hurt - natural blues - brush your shoulders off - no more drama - combat baby - 99 problems - the only way is up - December 31st.

in the new year, i will be:

in love.
baptisized by fire.
fit and trim.
brave, clean, and reverent.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

god hates me and other reasons why i am doomed to be alone.

why do i only meet the guys who completely capture my interest one month before im shipping out?! i mean honestly. i've lived here for almost half a decade and in that time i failed to meet anyone even the slightest bit dateable. (with one or two amazing exceptions.) and now, less than a month before i leave its like they're bussing 'em in.

this saturday i went out with roommate, et. al. and i met and talked with two of the best guys ive met in austin yet. of course i met both of them in the twilight of my time here. M.N. who you might remember as "the soulmate" and now D.H. the cellist who i am totally crushing on even though ive only talked with the both of them for maybe, a combined 5 hours.

but its too bad so sad for me because i am not a whore (and neither are these amazing fellows - unfortunately for all involved im sure.) and ive only 3 weeks before im shipped off to the place where fun (and homos) go to die. or at least to live in relative obscurity.

this is so depressing. i need a cookie.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Danger, DANGER! High Voltage!

my hell is over. and as it turns out, all those hours logged and all that sleep lost was totally worth it.

i had some very smart people look at my work and they really really liked it. and it would seem that they also really really liked me - or my brain as it were. i am so excited i can barely stand myself. ::sigh::

so now that all of this is over, i have some tough realities to face:
im moving.
to harlingen.
for a month.

that sounds horrible.

the good news is that the first of the year seems to be a shake things up time for the ad industry and people might be hiring soon. ive gotten some contacts that seem interested enough to ask for a hard copy of my work to give to their employers and whatnot! so maybe i won't be unemployed for the rest of my life! maybe ill be able to actually move to nyc and get a job and swim around in the big pile of nuthin that will be my starting salary! i can't WAIT.

and in addition to all of this, a coincidence of epic proportions just unfolded mere moments before this post. well, not epic. im new to this kind of enthusiasm and im afraid i tend to exaggerate. but that's neither here nor there. back to the coincidence. so i check my commetns and realize i had overlooked a url that M.N. had sent me whilst i was in the throws of nonsenssical depression about my job status. scroll down a few entries, it's there. so i followed the link and it took me to the blog of some fellow that works in nyc at an advertising agency that one of my friends works with. so i read a little and i look a little and then i see that he is not only a copywriter at my friends' agency, but an alumni from the same advertising program i just graduated from. so i look a little more and i discover that he is also one of the smart people i saw about my work. and so i messaged him immediately because i am crazy and should not be left to my own devices. not so exciting for anyone but me, i am well aware. but i am practically bursting with an annoying "its a small world after all" type high about it all. and on that note, i think i will sign off. this current mood could lead to endless hours of horn-tooting and after a few paragraphs, its hard to keep it fresh. peace out.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

im just a christian martyr.

in the past 48 hours i have - gotten only 5 hours of sleep, eaten a total of 3 meals, about 6 cups of coffee and found the most unfunny person i know to be suddenly hilarious. while i am sure to continue my downward spiral of doom, i felt that all of the faithful her at my favorite mistakes should not be forced to suffer. so i am turning it over to a guest blogger who shall keep you all entertained while i continue to fight a failing battle in the face of advertising deadlines and almost certain death. now if you'll excuse me, i need some no-doz and expresso chaser.