Thursday, November 25, 2004

poop. as in caca.

i am feeling so terribly mopey. i had this killer week where i worked and worked and worked and still felt like i accomplished nada. and what's worse is that im feeling a little bit like i am not so sure im doing what i am supposed to be doing with my life. everyone i know has gone through this "is this advertising thing really for me?" slump and everytime one of them did, i always was very helpful and thought to myself - how could you NOT know that this is for you? i mean, pshhh, im sure it is for me.

and now there's a big fat question mark growing in my brain and its pushing all my clever thoughts and design ideas out of my ears and onto the floor for other people to slip-slide around on. this week some people from two of the most killer agencies in america looked at my stuff and none of them offered me a job on the spot. i mean.. poop. i am going to be a homeless man wandering the streets of america with a sign that says "will art-direct for food." but no one will give me food because everyone will see that my sign is unoriginal and therefore so am i. ::sob::