Wednesday, October 06, 2004

nightcaps are always the best

so, i realize it has been but a few hours since my first post, but something just happened and i feel the need to publish it.

my aforementioned crush imed me and we started chatting about nothing really. and he moved the conversation into a wholly inappropriate subject matter. not that i minded, it was amusing, but make no mistake - inappropriate. so after discussing what common decency prevents me from repeating here, i make it known that i am not going to subjugate myself unless i really trust and like the person i am with, in which case i can be very accomodating. and he replied "whatever. im changing the subject. goodnight prude." and promptly signed off.

the only response i could muster was laughter. throughout the entirety of our ridiculous courtship i have been made to feel cynical, naive, and all but completely childish by this man who should have absolutely no complaint other than the fact that it might take me a day or two longer than a five dollar hooker to acquiese to his warped fantasy. i am a fool for loving him and must seek help immediately for what is clearly my fetish for men with underdeveloped personalities.

but on the bright side, this blog is already therapuetic. apologies to K.R. for ever having doubted you or your suggestion. "prosaic" is definitely not an appropriate adjective for this sort of activity.